Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Alaska Mainland: Whittier to Seward

              On the Alaska Mainland:  Whittier to Seward

our route on the Kenai Peninsula

Our Alaska Marine Ferry docked at Whittier after 6 days traveling the Inside Passage and across the Gulf of Alaska.  Judy drove the RV out of the ship's hold and then we waited in line for the hourly change in direction through Whittier's one way tunnel carved through solid rock for 2.5 miles.  The one-way, one-lane tunnel is also used by the train!  When driving through it, you have to straddle the tracks and hope you have no breakdown.

waiting for the train to clear the tunnel

We emerged from the Whittier tunnel to this early morning, heart stopping scene.  At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks after the darkness of the tunnel.  A loon calling made this even more surreal.



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