Friday, June 6, 2014

Haines: at the other end of the highway!

                             Haines, AK: a fishing village

We choose Haines Hitch Up RV Park as our home for the next several days.  There are only 3 local roads which all dead end within a few miles and the Alcan Highway which we drove into town.  We got familiar with all in a very short time and had fun photographing and grilling fresh halibut while waiting for our next Alaska Marine Ferry to come and pick us up.

a little humor
and even more humorous (according to Judy)
On road trips with Dave and my previous ones with Judy, I have started a tradition of collecting a favorite rock of the trip.  It takes special searching to find just the right one.  They resided at our previous home and now at Friendship Village.  Geologists in 100 years will be very perplexed.  This trip's rock came from a landslide area at Haines.  Notice I even carry my gardening gloves for the occasion!

Shooting Star wildflower
Harlequin Ducks in full breeding plumage
The Hammer Museum!
Yes, Haines boasts the world's only, and therefore the largest, hammer museum in the world.  It has 15,000 hammers in the collection and was started by a young woman who inherited her father's hammers and she didn't want to get rid of them.  Her collection grew as people donated their farmstead inheritances.

Chocolate Lilies by all the streamsides
wild water lilies which the moose love

We are so thankful we didn't have to stay here.  Our time in Haines is at a close and the ferry is due in tomorrow to take us to Sitka along the Inside Passage.


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